Quick Travel

Quick Travel

Quick Travel

Quick Travel

Project - Quick Travel
Project - Quick Travel
Project - Quick Travel
Project - Quick Travel

Let us plan your a perfect


Creating the Quick Travel website for Lombok trips is a comprehensive process that involves a careful blend of design and development. Beginning with a clear definition of requirements, the journey starts with the design phase. Wireframes are crafted to outline the structure, while branding elements such as a vibrant color scheme and a compelling logo are chosen to reflect the spirit of travel. The user interface and experience are meticulously designed to ensure an intuitive and visually appealing website.

Moving on to development, the chosen tech stack, including React, SCSS, and JavaScript, is employed to bring the design to life. A responsive frontend is developed, complemented by a robust backend that handles dynamic content, user data, and a secure booking system with payment gateways. Thorough testing follows to confirm functionality, cross-browser compatibility, and mobile responsiveness. Deployment involves selecting a reliable hosting provider, registering a domain name, and uploading the website files. Maintenance is crucial for keeping the site current, with regular updates and security checks. Marketing efforts include social media integration and online strategies to maximize visibility. In essence, the Quick Travel website is a harmonious fusion of design elegance and functional efficiency, inviting users to explore the beauty of Lombok with seamless ease.

Launch Project

Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project
Quick Travel - inner project

7 Premium UI screens with responsive and optimized for desktop & mobile devices



Senior UX Designer & Developer, currently crafting experiences at DevMasters.

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© 2023 Zaid | All Rights Reserved


Senior UX Designer & Developer, currently crafting experiences at DevMasters.

Believe I would be a valuable addition to your team or project? Let's establish a connection.

© 2023 Zaid | All Rights Reserved


Senior UX Designer & Developer, currently crafting experiences at DevMasters.

Believe I would be a valuable addition to your team or project? Let's establish a connection.

© 2023 Zaid | All Rights Reserved


Senior UX Designer & Developer, currently crafting experiences at DevMasters.

Believe I would be a valuable addition to your team or project? Let's establish a connection.

© 2023 Zaid | All Rights Reserved